Thursday, November 30, 2023

I Won!

This afternoon after hours of struggle I topped 50,000 words and won National Novel Writing Month. Hooray! I'm only over by 148 words but I made the goal and I'm so glad. I didn't work out the thorny racial problem that stopped me for a day or two but I think I'm on the way to a solution.

In the morning I made Asian Turkey Meatballs. They don't have any sauce yet; they get drizzled with Hoisin Sauce or Sweet Chili Sauce when it's time to eat them. And I managed to make one extra meatball so that I have seven servings instead of six. Last time the recipe made 20 and I need 3 for a serving so 21 worked.

We've had two sunny days in a row and the temperature has crept over freezing so the driveway and the backyard snow is melting. Hooray! It got all the way up to 45 today so I could have gone out for a short walk but instead I trooped up and down the stairs carrying portions to the freezer and doing loads of laundry (I'm really low on socks).

This afternoon's recipe was Chicken Breasts Pierre. This is one of my favorite recipes and it's so easy to make. Just flour and brown the chicken then mix in some stewed tomatoes and a few spices, simmer, and ta da! Supper!

I almost forgot to draw today but I pulled out my sketchbook and the pens, then surveyed the cover of 20 Ways to Draw a Tree and found these three figures to try my hand at. I think I like them all.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Hallelujah!! Quite an achievement and it sounds like you're well pleased with the result. Nice to have some better days in the weather department too. Great way to end the month.