Sunday, November 26, 2023

Not What I Wanted To See

I noticed that it was bright outside when I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. You know what that means, right? Snow. We got a little over an inch of wet, heavy snow. I left it, didn't shovel it. I'm hoping that the sun comes out in the next few days and melts it away.

Yesterday I got a text from CS and she was looking for someone to knit with at Zambaldi today. I didn't have any plans so I met her there after noon and we spent a couple hours knitting and sipping and chatting. I had root beer today instead of beer beer. Just wasn't in the mood.

I finished the ribbing brim of the One Skein Beanie and started the body of the hat. I like this yarn. I like the colors and it feels nice.

I ran out of old manuscript today, added a few hundred words (mostly drivel), and made my daily count. Now I have four more days to go and need just under seven thousand words to go. Yikes! That's a lot of words, more than I thought I'd need, so I'd better come up with a few ideas and fast.

Went through the recipe binder and pulled out seven recipes for Investment Cooking. I will confess that I am not really in the mood to spend the next week cooking but it has to be done so I made a shopping list and will go to the store. Maybe tomorrow. If it hadn't snowed I was thinking of getting a family pack of chicken breasts, marinating them, and grilling them so that I could delay cooking for another week or 10 days but it snowed and the grill isn't really usable. Part of me wants to try broiling them instead just to avoid cooking.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Snow already??? It seems too early but I think I remember typing that last year. It always seems too early. Nice to get that call from your friend and to have a chat while supporting Zambaldi. Hope the snow melts soon.