Friday, November 3, 2023

One Wildlife

I haven't been watching for wildlife much the last few days because I'm spending so much time writing to get to my daily word count so this squirrel getting a drink is it for today. I noticed that the suet cakes are almost gone and the round feeder is nearly empty. Guess it's time to fill things up.

Instead of turning to a new page in the Zentangles book I stuck with yesterday's new tangles and tried my hand at them again. They're not much better, not very different but I felt like I was more in control of my pen.

On the cover of the book is a tangle that I like so I tried that one. Meh. I didn't curve the petals back on themselves enough to close the gaps between them so that the little circles are filling in a closed space.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I knitted a lot of sock foot. See? A few more inches and it'll be time to toe.

I realized today while I was trying to write that I'm frustrated because I'm paraphrasing something that I already like so I thought maybe I'll cut out the parts that I like, paste them into a new document, and then write new things inserting Rose and Iggy into the manuscript. Does that sound like a good idea? It kind of does to me. I'll try it over the next few days and see where I get.

Tomorrow I'm going up to Sturgeon Bay to be in the Support Literacy Book Fair. There are supposed to be 45 authors there selling their books. I hope that I sell one, maybe two. I'm carpooling with a couple other authors from Writer's Guild so I don't have to drive alone. Better make sure I have a little cash to throw in for gas money.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Hope you have a good time at the sale in Sturgeon Bay. And meet your very realistic goal of selling one or two books. Maybe you'll surpass it! Fingers crossed!!