Sunday, November 5, 2023

Well, That Was a Surprise

I don't have a picture of it because... gross, but OJ went out the patio door this morning and discovered a dead rat in my backyard. Ewww. I confess that I put on gloves before I covered it with a plastic bag and got it into the trash. I suspected that I had rats because of the birdseed and because I've found huge holes dug in the soft dirt of the flower beds. But I never expected to see a dead one in the yard because I haven't put out poison. Ick. Ick. Ick.

I went ahead and filled the birdfeeders anyway and captured this Chickadee perched on the edge of the platform feeder pecking away at a seed it was holding in its claw.

Today I'm very pleased by the way the Zentangle turned out. It's comprised of the three tangles from yesterday with some of those little circles filling in a few gaps.

Then I opened the 20 Ways to Draw a Tree book at random and drew a few figures from there.

Writing went well today. I cut and pasted a segment of the old manuscript and then inserted some Rose and Iggy where it needed it. I'll keep doing that since it seems to be working for me.

Having to get up at 6:30AM this morning to be ready when the small people arrived and with the time change left me feeling groggy and sleepy all day. I kept looking at the clock and not believing that it was so early, especially since it got dark around 5 o'clock. Now I'm in here blogging an hour earlier than other nights but I just can't help myself. I'm ready to go to bed. Stupid time change.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'm with you on the time change. What's the point of it anyway? Just upsetting to all us old folks.