Saturday, September 10, 2022

Just Enough To Be Annoying

It was supposed to rain all afternoon and evening. It started drizzling in the afternoon and never really got it together to rain. It's been dribbling around which was just enough to be annoying. I say if it's going to rain then rain so that the flowers and plants get a good soaking. Don't just spritz around making things damp and not doing any good.

Before the drizzle started I went out to take a picture of the new Dad's rosebud. The cane that it's on is very tall and I'm not very tall so the rosebud is silhouetted against the soffit. I'll have to bend it down to take a picture of it when it blooms.

The purple mums below the rose are still blooming. I'll be interested to see if they keep blooming now that actual mum season is approaching.

Another mum is starting to bloom. It's covered in little whitish buds and this one gold bud that's just barely opening. This plant has the season figured out.

I dragged myself to my sketchbook and made myself draw the remaining skill levels of the Pencil lesson. I have no confidence that I can draw these things right. They're all out of whack and are misshapen. Pencils are my nemesis.

This evening I sat on the couch watching "Maine Cabin Masters" reruns on Magnolia Network and knitting on Another Teal Meadow washcloth. I finished it with a couple yards of yarn to spare. For a while there I thought I might run out but when you're decreasing you use less and less so I made it with yarn to spare.

My new Zauberball Crazy sock yarn came today. It's called Change of Scenery and I won't be casting on a sock with it until I order a new sock knitting needle. This yarn is thinner than some so I need a smaller needle. I can't believe that I don't have the one I need but I don't. Good thing DD gave me a Knit Picks gift card for my birthday.

I spent most of the day rereading The Seaview for the umpteenth time and still I found things that needed changing and a few typos. Will I ever read through it and not find booboos?


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Love the shot of the not-quite-ready mums with the one little can't wait golden one. I think your pencil drawings are great. You're too hard on yourself!