Tuesday, September 20, 2022

I Watched Videos

And I followed the steps to publish my next manuscript and then decided to do it the easy way with Kindle Create. They were talking about formatting and setting gutters and bleed and all sorts of confusing publishing terms that I just couldn't see myself doing. So I went through the manuscript on MS Word one more time to make sure that I had all the typos caught and had it laid out the way I wanted it. This is the Print Preview function that shows you how your eBook will look on a Kindle, phone, or tablet. It's a great way to make sure that you don't have any glaring errors in formatting or any blank pages.

Then after supper I pushed the "Create" button and followed the steps to publish it on Kindle first and then segued right into publishing it in paperback. I've been having the devil of a time falling asleep lately and I don't know if it's because I'm spending so much time staring at a screen or because I'm so excited to get another book published, one that's been done for a long time, so long that I had to update the tech references. Anyway, here's the stage I'm at: the eBook is publishing and the paperback is in review. I can't wait until they're both Live!

I was awakened at 7AM by thunder grumbling overhead and then it started raining. I tried to go back to sleep since it had been long after midnight when I finally fell asleep but no luck. See how dark it was? I had to turn on a light to fix my Cheerios.

I took a break to give my eyes a rest at suppertime and went out to take flower pictures while my supper heated up in the microwave. There were bees all over the flowers. This fat bee was crawling across the sedum flowers...

... and another one was investigating the perennial asters. I like the way these little flowers look I just wish that the plant wasn't so invasive. If it stayed in one place, I'd leave it alone but it spreads like mint so I uproot it when I see it but I was too slow this summer and now I can't pull it because of the bees.

I didn't draw. I didn't paint. I didn't toss anything today. All I did was do yoga, take a shower, get dressed, and sit at the computer getting Horizon ready to be published. I did knit a few rounds on the Summer Fields cap after I hit "Publish" but that wasn't any easier on my eyes. My eyes are tired.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

No wonder you can't sleep. You're all wound up with publishing your books. It's an exciting time!! A week at The Clearing should help in the sleep department. It's just what the doctor ordered.