Friday, September 16, 2022

A Straggler

I was really surprised when I looked out and saw a Hummingbird at the nectar feeder this morning. She stayed a good long time, sampling each "flower", and sitting on the perch scratching her wing, but I was excited to have caught her flying. You can't really see her wings, just a blur, but they're there and they're working just fine.

I thought I had pulled out all of the perennial asters (aka weeds) from the top of the retaining wall but evidently I didn't because here are the flowers as proof. There aren't nearly as many of them as last year but I'll go out and pull them soon because they spread like mint and I don't want them spreading all up and down the retaining wall.

The next figure in the 3-D book was Quilt Quest, another one of those boxes with lines that I have the devil of a time getting straight. This time I used a ruler and still had a lot of shifting and erasing to do. I think those little guys are supposed to be chess men but I'm not sure.

Then I turned to the next page in Drawing Cute to find a snail and a spider. The artist is evidently afraid of spiders because she had "nope" written next to each step of the drawing. I think it's kinda cute, but I'm not afraid of spiders.

This morning I cast on a new big yarn/big needles cap so that I have something simple to take along to The Clearing next Saturday. NEXT SATURDAY! Not tomorrow, the next one, but I'm really looking forward to going. Today I printed off the piece of Island Dreams that I want to workshop and I'll be working on that manuscript while I'm there. Oh, the hat's yarn is called Summer Fields so that's what I called the cap.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I got to the toe decreases of the Villasol sock and then put it aside because the next part requires thinking and I'm not great at thinking and talking at the same time. So I added rows to the Into the Wind dishcloth and I'm happy that the light was right when I took the picture so that you can see the pattern.

Today's toss was a bag sewing book that I won't be using again. Someone will love it.

I'm highly frustrated with Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing because they've got a glitch that's preventing me from ordering author copies of The Seaview. I want to get a bunch to take along to The Clearing and for friends and children and I'm afraid if they don't get it fixed like RIGHT NOW the books won't be here in time for me to take them. I'm also frustrated that the paperback doesn't pop up when you search for it. How are people supposed to get a copy if it doesn't show up when they search? Gah!


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Nothing is simple. At least I know I'm not the only one who couldn't order a copy of The Seaview. Hope the problem gets squared away before you go to The Clearing. Fingers crossed for you -- and me too!! I want to show off my talented niece!!