Saturday, September 16, 2023

Too Early

I wasn't ready to see that skein of Canada Geese flying south yesterday and I certainly wasn't ready to see colored leaves on the street when I went for a walk this afternoon. I had to stop and take a picture, then I glared up at the tree so it would get the message that it's too early to start changing color and dropping leaves. Too early. It's just barely the middle of September, for pity's sake.

Dad's rose is merrily blooming away. Just about every day there's a new bud or a new flower and there are a clutch of buds yet to mature and open. Thanks, Dad!

A whole flock of Sparrows came to bathe in the birdbath this afternoon. I tried to snap a picture of the lot of them but as soon as I picked up the camera they started to scatter. This is the best I could do. They managed to splash out quite a bit of the water and leave a lot of dirt behind. I'll be dumping and refilling the birdbath tomorrow.

I drew a few things out of 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish this morning--a mermaid, a sprig of coral, and a fisherman. I think the mermaid is my favorite today. She turned out the best. The fisherman is a very odd, skewed drawing but that's what it looked like in the book. Really.

I spent parts of the afternoon finishing a reading of the 1st person POV version of my manuscript. I like it but I suspect that it needs something especially in the early parts. I'll let it settle a week and dive back in.

I was in communication with my friend Lala today. She's prepping to launch a website about writing and mine will be the first interview on it. I'm pleased and flattered. We worked through some edits and got the book covers photos right. I'll let you know when it's live so you can go there and admire it. I can't wait to read the stories that she puts on there. She's such a good writer, much more literary than I am. You're going to want to read her stories.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Oh that red velvet rose!!! What a thing of beauty. "..... the days grow short when you reach September." Beginning of autumn -- ready or not.