Friday, September 22, 2023

I Got Famous Today

Well, maybe not famous but my interview showed up on Lala's website today when her new site went live. (Click on the link, the colored letters, up there in the first sentence.) You find my interview in "People & Ideas." We worked together on it and it makes me sound almost like a real writer. You should probably read her stories too. They're in "Writing," of course. I love the cover of her book of short stories that's coming out in about a month. So colorful.

Yesterday's Dad's rosebud is today's Dad's rose. I realized today that as the flower opens the weight of it bends the stem so I didn't have to pull it down to take its picture. I tried to take a picture of the tightly closed bud next to it but it was just windy enough that the automatic focus went crazy and zeroed in on the roof soffit instead of the bud. Oh well. I'll catch it next time.

Under the roses are the mums and the bronze ones have started blooming too. They're more sedate than the coppery gold ones next to them but still pretty.

This little squirrel laid claim to the patio step today and defended it from all comers. A bigger squirrel came over and charged at it but this little guy wasn't backing down.

Did I watercolor yesterday? I don't remember but I did today. I followed the directions in the next exercise in my new book and laid down strips of color next to each other to let them blend on the page. Then I drew/painted a little bird below my watercolor rainbow strip. I like the colors and I like the bird.

I drew a few things out of Draw 20 Jellyfish--a sunfish, a scallop, and a scuba diver. I like the diver and the sunfish, the scallop is just kind of blah.

I didn't get any writing done today. I had a couple zooms that took up the afternoon and evening and I spent the morning admiring my interview on Lala's site.

Tomorrow a few of the members of the Green Bay Writer's Guild have an author event at Caramel Crisp Corner bookstore in Oshkosh. I know it sounds like a cafe and it is. They also have caramel corn which makes the whole place smell great, and one third of the store is a bookstore. As always, selling one book is my goal. Anything over that is a bonus. 

I won't blog tomorrow night, I'll be out of town, but I'll be back on Sunday probably with a lot of drivel.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Just read your interview and you do indeed sound like a famous author! I tried to comment but couldn't figure out how to do it.