Sunday, September 10, 2023

So Much Better

I woke up today feeling almost back to normal. The weak, achy, feverish feelings were gone and I was back to my old self. Thank heavens. I don't think I could have taken another day of flu-shot-side-effects. I just don't have the patience for it.

I spent most of the day here at the laptop trying to decide if I like the all-1st-person POV of my manuscript or the alternating-1st-and-3rd-person POV. I brought up two windows and went back and forth trying to work out which one was better. I think I ended up driving myself a little batty but now they're both at the same level of done so I can take another run at them separately to try to figure it out. I like the alternating-1st-and-3rd because there are scenes that my main character doesn't witness that I really like. It feels backwards to explain later what happened when the characters are back together. Then there's the all-1st-person version. That has some scenes that I like too, ones that don't show up in the other version. What to do????

I pulled out my watercolors and the new pearly paints that DD sent me for my birthday this morning. The next exercise in the new Art for Joy's Sake book has you compare two different brands of paint so I thought that would be a good way to see how the pearly paints work. I'm surprised at how pale the shades of green turned out. The blue, red, and yellow are pretty vivid but the green is rather dull. It all still sparkles if I tip the paper. Maybe if I paint it over another green...

The Downy Woodpeckers are becoming regulars at the suet cakes. Understandable since that's really the only bird food out there at this time. I caught this one on the feeder but missed another one that took a little Slinky ride first. A bunch of Sparrows stopped by to poke through the grass but didn't stay long, didn't even flutter up for a drink.

And this bunny came by to nibble on the grass/weeds that grow under the feeders. I assume that some of the fallen seed has sprouted and is tasty.

Dad's rose has another bud ready to open soon and there are still four green buds that get bigger every day. Didn't see any Japanese Beetles when I was out taking this picture this afternoon.

I realized when I went through the photos that I took today that I forgot to draw. Gasp! I don't know what came over me, well, I do know that I got tangled up in manuscript comparison and didn't make time. I did make time for a little walk this afternoon though. I have got to keep walking, I'm so out of shape.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Yay!! So glad you're feeling better and back to yourself. Proves the old saying "All things pass."