Sunday, September 3, 2023

Stocking Up

I had a thought the other day. I've got a couple book events scheduled for this coming fall and I like to have enough books on hand for any extemporaneous demand so I ordered 5 each of three of my titles and 10 of the new one. They were supposed to come September 13. They came today.  What I want to know is how come they tell you it'll take 10 days to 2 weeks and then they come in three days. Aaaanyway, I unpacked them, signed them, stickered them, put a bookmark into them, and stacked them in my designer book storage facility (which is actually a couple corrugated cardboard boxes shoved next to an end table in the living room). Now I'm ready.

Here are the red carnations that DS and his family gave me for my birthday. The vase is one that Mom had as long as I remember. I saved it from one of her rummage sales. It reminds me of her whenever I use it.

Today's drawings come from 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish. They're a narwhal, a nautilus, an octopus, and an otter with a baby on its belly. I think I like them all the best.

When the giant, heavy box of books arrived today it was accompanied by two smaller packages that I didn't remember ordering. They were birthday presents from DD and her family! It's a watercolor book and a little set of pearlized paints. They're sparkly! I can't wait to try them out. Thanks, DD, SIL1 & IT!

This evening I sat and knitted on the Leftovers Dishcloth. I'm about to the middle and think I'll have enough yarn in my little bag of leftover nuggets to finish it. I hope. But I have bales more dishcloth cotton so I'm not worried.

I finished reading through The Seaview 2 manuscript this afternoon after I got home from the grocery. I still didn't have any ideas for more writing but I liked what I read so that's good. It seems that lately I've been going to some food store just about every day. I keep running out of fruit. Still on a watermelon jag.

I'm hearing fireworks in the distance. I forgot that this is a holiday weekend and I think that Howard Commons, a new park and Biergarten in a neighboring village, is having their grand opening. The good thing is that Zambaldi Beer is represented in the Biergarten. Hoooray!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Island Dreams is sitting on my nightstand even as we speak! I'm finishing up my library book so I can get right into it.