Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Rainy Day Activity

Today it was cloudy and a bit drizzly. In fact we had actual rain a few times, once it was enough to make pretty circles in the birdbath. I love it when the drops fall at the rate that they make these overlapping circles in the water. Still not feeding the birds so visitors to the birdbath are all I have to look at and they are few and far between.

I cracked open my new birthday present watercolor book from DD today and followed the directions. First she had me paint a landscape using traditional techniques, which means light colors first and then layering in richer color as you go. So that's what I did for this one.

Then she introduced her Art for Joy's Sake technique of starting right out with vivid color. As you can see that was more my style. I liked splashing on all the bright colors and layering the greens to make the fields. I especially liked adding in all the shades of blue and purple in the water.

After lunch I pulled out my drawing things. First I drew from 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly. It's a dragonfly, a rooster, and a hummingbird. I think the dragonfly turned out the best today.

From the Chibis book I drew a Pangolin and a Rabbit. I like the Pangolin a lot. The Rabbit looks a little smug for my taste.

I tried to stay off the computer today. I've been typing and mousing so much lately that I have a burning pain in my right shoulder blade. I don't know how to move my arm to get some relief so I've been taking Tylenol and wishing it would go away. It hurts when I'm on my phone too and also some when I knit. I have to sit right and remember to relax my shoulder to make it stop hurting. Man, it sucks to get old.

I got all excited to get an email from GetCovers that the audiobook covers for my books were finished and ready. But then I looked at them and my name was misspelled. Oops. Back to the drawing board.

Took a walk. I think I'm getting worse instead of better.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Sorry to read about your achey shoulder. It's not easy getting old but it comes to all of us. I have so many aches and pains that if I made a list, it would be endless! I like your watercolors.