Friday, April 15, 2022

Got It All Done

I had a long list of to-do's today but I got them all done. I went to the accountant's office and picked up and paid for the tax prep, went to the grocery for lunch food and a couple prescriptions, went to the birdseed store for a couple bags of seed. I did manage to take a picture of a Cardinal visiting the birdbath before I left on errands.

I filled the feeders when I got home and soon the squirrels came to call. You can see in the background of this picture that the grass below the retaining wall is starting to turn green. Now if it would only warm up for more than one day in a row. It barely got into the high thirties today and it was still as windy as all get out.

After my Zoom writing meeting I got down to the business of art. The next figure in the 15-Minute Artist was a whale's tail. I used a regular pencil to shade it and I'm not too sure that I like the way it turned out but it does look like the tail of a whale.

The daily art today said to fill this pitcher with flowers. It suggested cutting them out of colored paper but I don't have any so I dug out my watercolors and painted some.

Then I got a watercolor postcard blank and painted a tree. It's an okay tree, I think.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I worked on a cast sock. This is another one made with ends and little balls of yarn. I couldn't think of a snappy name for this one so it's April Cast Sock 1. Original, don't you think?

I really didn't toss anything today. Oh, after I picked up the taxes I went to the candy store for a few Easter treats. I really didn't mean to go there, I had decided that I wouldn't go there, but the accountant's office is about a block from the local candy store. I had to go and I'm giving away most of it. Really.



Aunt B said...

I like all the colors today -- the green grass, the cardinal, the cute flowers in the pitcher and even the colors of the April cast sock. No one could resist a candy store -- especially at Eastertime.

Unknown said...

Nuts about your tree. As for the knitting, how about April's Last Sock?