Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I don't have much patience with star-crossed lovers, I must admit. I realize that Romeo and Juliet were in no way the first, but for me they are because they're the first I knew of. Seeing a painting of Pyramus and Thisbe last week (the week before?) and now another pair of runaway Italian lovers, I'm tired of them. *yawn* Been there, done that, people. Pick something else to paint, those young lovers are too thick on the ground to warrant so much paint and ink. How about a nice fight to brighten things up?

November 4--Louis Ducis, Bianca Cappello Fleeing with Her Lover Francesco de Medici. Running away is so romantic. The pounding of two pairs of feet on the path mimic the pounding of two hearts. The sounds and feelings ramp up the passion. Chest heaving, he guides her across the gap in the trail, her trembling hand like a small bird in his palm. The impassioned sound of her breathing as he lift her over another gap reminds them both of the hours they spent pressed together in the shadows stealing kisses. Overcome with their need to be together they press on into the dawn, ever alert for the sounds of pursuit.

Well, it's not long but it's tripe. Gotta love it.

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