Saturday, November 7, 2009

After The First Week...

...of NaNoWriMo I must confess that I can't write 1667 words of a novel and do a daily prompt, especially on my days off work. I do have time in the usually deserted dive shop to do both, but not at home where there are all sorts of distractions and responsibilities. So I have decided that you will be getting first draft novel exerpts on most days this month and art prompts when I can. I am very happy with what I have written so far. I like my characters and I like my setting. Let's see if I can write the whole thing by the end of the month. Here's a bit from one day last week--

We stayed right across the road behind me in a little locally owned guesthouse called Sydans. It had six rooms and a Mexican restaurant in the courtyard. I remember we were worried about noise since all the rooms opened out into that same courtyard but it was never a problem, all the diners had left by 9:30 or so and we could sit out in the night breeze for a nightcap. We were so happy that we had chosen to stay here in Sandy Ground on Road Bay. It was quiet and much more like a neighborhood than a resort area. At that time there were a few shops in the front rooms of a couple houses, Jonno’s beach bar, 2 restaurants, and a boat yard. At the downhill end of the road is a resort of small blue roofed cabins called the _____________; it looked like a quiet place, not a hangout for the party people. I recall that we went down there once to have cocktail with Sherri Marker and her husband, what was his name? George? Gerald? something like that, and it was very nice but too storybook nice for us. We liked that the neighbor on one side of Sydans had her bible group over one night a week and they would sing hymns and read out verses, praising Jesus and halleluah-ing like crazy late into the night. We liked that the old man down at the other end of the road would walk his goats every morning and stake them out on their black nylon ropes to the weediest places so they could graze. I had to laugh at the “Americans” who cooed over them, and the chickens and rooster belonging to the bible group neighbor that ran all over, never realizing that they were not pets, they were Sunday suppers and family get togethers on the hoof.

I'll think of a resort name next month. Suggestions will be considered.

2,078 words so far today, 12,688 total.


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