Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Well, That Didn't Take Long

I went out before lunch to fill the feeders and it only took a couple minutes for the Sparrows to figure it out. The first one to arrive landed on the suet pellets and repelled all comers until another Sparrow ousted it.

Four Sparrows landed on the round feeder and started their standard practice of tossing out all of the millet seeds until they find the nuts.

The chipmunk wasn't far behind. It found the bit of spilled seed on the patio in the shade and made short work of cleaning it up.

I pulled out my sketchbook and 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly and had fun drawing the pheasant especially, although I do like the little penguin too. The swan's not bad either.

The only other thing I have to show you is a gratitude journal page for today. It cooled off considerably and the humidity dropped so I went out after lunch and mowed. There was a nice breeze so I didn't get too hot. Oh I got all sweaty but not as sweaty as last time. No matter the weather it's a hot 45 minutes to get the lawn mowed.

And I had Writer's Guild this evening and sold one copy of The Seaview and one of Open For Business to one of the other writers. I was also reminded of a bookstore in Algoma that I haven't contacted about carrying my books. I'll give them a call tomorrow and maybe drive over there. It's not too far away.

I'm thinking about changing the cover of The Seaview. I read on a blog that the wrong cover might be holding the sales back and wonder if that's happening. It's never sold very well. Maybe that's why. Someone said that it kind of looks like a guidebook. Still thinking.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That first sparrow does look a little intiminating. I might be afraid to fly up there myself -- if I was a sparrow! Nice that you got a drop in the temp so you could mow.