Monday, August 19, 2024

One Bird Hiding

Yesterday afternoon I filled the bird feeders. No birds came. No birds were there this morning when I opened the drapes. While I was eating breakfast I saw a flash of yellow so I grabbed the camera and got ready to shoot. The Goldfinch landed on the finch feeder but on the back side of the finch feeder so I took one photo of its tail, then I waited. And I waited. And I waited. Then it flew away. So if you look closely on the left side of the feeder you can see the tail of the bird. Only the tail. *sigh*


I spilled a little seed when I filled the feeders yesterday and the chipmunk made short work of cleaning it up. It's very thorough but always very panicky. I can't imagine living with that level of fear all the time.


After lunch I hauled out 20 Ways to Draw a Tree and drew a few figures. I think this is the best pine cone I've ever drawn. It's in the middle on the left and you're looking at it from the top down.


I spent all afternoon writing. I wrote two new scenes and not one page scenes either. Three and four page scenes with dog bites and maybe rabies and writers and rock musicians. I have to thank cda for the idea to have rock stars come to stay. I've made them British and not super famous so it's logical that they can vacation semi-incognito. They've just arrived and are terribly jet-lagged so right now they're napping but soon I'll wake them up and start to have fun with them.


After my walk I drew a gratitude journal page.  I think I'm most grateful that it was a breezy day so having the kitchen window open let the sound of the wind chimes accompany my writing and drawing today.

I did some online research over the last few days and this morning I bit the bullet and made two Facebook ads. I set a budget of $5/day for five days so I won't break the bank. Hopefully it'll drive traffic to my FB page and sell some books. Fingers crossed.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Sounds like real progress in the writing department. Rock musicians are sure to shake things up.