Saturday, August 10, 2024

That's Better

I pulled out Drawing Cute again today to see if I could draw a more satisfying picture and I did. I made the figures bigger and they're better proportioned. Also they made me want pizza and bacon and eggs. Had neither.


A pair of Cardinals stopped by this morning. First the female or juvenile landed on the platform feeder and allowed a House Finch to stay on there with her.


He landed on the ground under the round feeder and you can see that he's deciding whether to shoo off the Sparrow that's in the grass. Neither of them stayed long.


In the afternoon I spied a Flicker in the lawn. It moved slowly across the whole backyard poking around for insects to eat. I tried to take a picture but it was too far away and then behind things so it was blurry. So I went into my photos file and found a decent shot of one from last year.


I even remembered to draw a gratitude journal page for today. I had a small visitor this afternoon and we enjoyed a lot of embossing and drawing until his fingers were all marker stained. We had a lot of fun. And had cornbread-carrot-cheddar waffles for supper. They're good with maple syrup. Yum.


I didn't do much else. I dissolved some Epsom Salts in a lot of water and poured it on my tomato plant. LS said that's what was needed so I'm trying it. Hope it works. 


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Sounds like fun having the little guy for a sleepover. Hope the Epsom Salt works for the tomato plant 🪴.