Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Big Wind

There was a severe thunderstorm warning around noon today. Usually we get those and nothing really interesting happens. Not today. It got dark and then it got windy, really windy. So windy it blew the patio umbrella over tilting the table along with it. Nothing was damaged. Then it rained really hard for a few minutes. It was over pretty fast. The birdfeeders really swung around and there are some branches down in the yard, twigs mostly but one biggish branch I can see. It didn't last long but it was fierce while it lasted. I was surprised that I didn't lose power.

Earlier a Downy Woodpecker came to investigate the nearly empty suet cakes feeder. I was surprised that he stayed long enough for me to take two pictures since there's really nothing to eat in there anymore.

I drew a cinnamon roll and hot dog from Drawing Cute this morning to give me something to do while the laundry was sloshing around. I could tell that I wouldn't have any luck writing today, I don't know how but I did, so I decided to draw and color a bit.


After supper I sat down and finished the One Skein Hat. I like the way it turned out although the top is a little pointier than I'd like but that's the way the pattern says to make it so that's the way I made it.


I started reading an Anguilla guidebook to learn about other places that I haven't mentioned to give me some new spots to send Rose's guests to. I'm a little disappointed that the author isn't naming specific places except for the historical museum and a couple beaches. The rest of his book is mostly just extolling the virtues of the island cuisine without naming a restaurant or talking about rum drinks without any beach bars. Guess I'll just have to keep on making stuff up.

And that was my day. The cleaner came and dusted and vacuumed and did the bathroom and the kitchen. It looks so nice when she's finished. And I did all the laundry. I even carried it all upstairs but haven't folded it yet. I don't want to rush into anything.

I'm hoping that the storm will usher in cooler and drier air. It's been unbearably humid the last few days, hot too. We can be done with that. I wouldn't mind. Plus it's time to mow again and I don't want to die in the heat and humidity.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Really crazy weather this year. Glad you didn't get any damage from the big wind and rain. I'm ready for a bit of a cool down too but still a couple of months of heat and humidity for us.