Sunday, August 18, 2024

And It's Changing Fast

I went out to fill the birdfeeders after supper and noticed that the tomato is a lot oranger than it was yesterday. A. Lot. I'm keeping my eye on it. Maybe the rain we had yesterday had some special properties that sped up the ripening process.

A Downy Woodpecker landed on the suet cakes feeder this morning and I managed to snap a picture just before it flew away. I only got one shot and it's a little blurry but like I said I only got one shot.

Today's drawing was out of 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish so it's a lot of sea creatures. I like the crab at the top, the seagull on the right, and the sea urchin on the bottom.

And I managed to eke out a Gratitude Journal page today too. It was cooler and partly sunny but still pretty humid. I filled all the feeders except the suet cakes which aren't empty yet. I don't mind that it's taking the birds and squirrels longer to devour them. I feel like I'm getting my money's worth.

I downloaded iTunes on the laptop so I could double check and make sure that my audiobooks really are available there and they are. That means people don't have to have Audible to buy my books, they can get them on iTunes and not have to pay for membership. Of course it's kind of a trade off, paying to belong to Audible and then having credits to spend or paying for the books outright on iTunes.

My free eBook promo on Amazon started on Friday and I've "sold" 16 free Open For Business eBooks so far. The ad runs until Tuesday so hopefully having one of my books for free will steer people to buy another one. Fingers crossed. If you read eBooks, head on over before midnight on Tuesday and snag a copy for yourself!

And the ad that I set up on BookBub launched today. I've gotten a lot of impressions which you have to pay for on that platform but no clicks so far. I set the ad budget at $20 so I'm hoping for a sale or two before the ad finishes on Saturday.

I wrote another page or so that I tucked into the manuscript this afternoon. I have to keep conflict in mind. Even though I know I need it in the story I have a hard time adding it although I'm starting to see where it's missing. Seems like a good first step. Learning all the time.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'm reading "The Backyard Bird Chronicles" by Amy Tan. It makes me think of your backyard. She has notes and sketches of all the visiting birds just as you do with your pictures. Neat book.