Thursday, August 1, 2024

It Rained On Me

But just a little. I took a walk after supper as I've been trying to do every evening for the last week or so. I usually wait until 8 o'clock because by then it's a lot cooler and more bearable to walk. Tonight I decided to go shortly after 7 o'clock because it was threatening rain. As I walked down the driveway I got hit by intermittent drops. When I turned back at the corner the drops were more frequent and they sped up as I sped up to get home before this happened. I was just watching the Olympics when I heard a drumming sound from outside. Pouring rain at 8 o'clock. Good thing I went earlier.

This afternoon I decided to cue up the nature sounds on Amazon Music on my phone (they're free), plug earbuds into my ears (where else?), and see if that wouldn't help me write something new. I managed to write almost two full pages. I was so happy and relieved until I started reading the manuscript to find a place to slot the new pages in only to discover that I'd paraphrased something that's already in there. *sigh* Maybe I'll just start over.

I drew some out of 20 Ways to Draw a Tree. I like the dandelion, butterfly, and turnip. The others aren't too bad either.

Then there's the gratitude journal page. I had a lovely visit with my Edward Jones financial advisor this afternoon. I can live until 90 and not run out of money, she says. Hopefully my investments will keep growing and let me live longer if that's in my cards. I had to take out my RMD for the first time since I'm going to be 73 on my next birthday. It seems wrong to make me take it out when I don't really need it but take it out I did. I'll do something fun with it, I think.

Oh, I want to show you this squirrel. It climbs up the outside of the patio umbrella. I don't know why. There's no food on there. There's no food in there either and it sometimes climbs inside. Maybe it's just for fun?

It's still raining. I don't think I'll have to water the tomato plant tomorrow. I scratched a little fertilizer into the soil this afternoon so that should make it happy now that it has that stake to lean on.

I just got an email from ACX that the audiobook version of Island Dreams is available for purchase. Woohoo! That means four out of my titles are out in audiobook. I'm so excited.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I think you're right about that climbing squirrel. He does it just for fun. Or just to prove he can. You go, little guy. Glad you beat the downpour home from your daily walk.