Saturday, August 31, 2024


The Sparrows discovered that I filled the feeders this morning. They arrived in droves or should that be flocks. Anyway, a whole lot of birds showed up. These Sparrows threw out seed so that the Sparrows and Mourning Doves on the ground had a lot to eat.

Some of the Sparrows enjoyed pecking at the suet cakes. These suet-y cakes are not as popular as the others I bought. I think that the suet sticks to their beaks and annoys them. I see them pecking and then rubbing their beak on the perch to get off a glob of suet. Yum.

This chipmunk was sitting in the shade up on its haunches looking so cute rubbing its mouth with its paws so I picked up the camera and as soon as I pressed the shutter button it took off and this is what I got. Those little critters are fast!

I spent quite a bit of the middle of the day listening to ten chapters of Open For Business audio files. My list of corrections is much shorter than the last one which is a relief. I must have made some additions when I had the manuscript in Kindle Create because a few sentences here and there aren't in the manuscript I sent to TH. That's okay, it isn't making a lot of difference to the story. I decided to give my eyes a rest after ten chapters. I've got tomorrow and Monday left to finish listening. If I'm determined to finish over the holiday weekend, that is. I'm not really on a time pressure except one that I give myself.

Today's drawing is from 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly. No butterflies this time, just a toucan, flying horse, an owl, a pterodactyl, a bat, and a flying fish. I like the look on the bat's face.

And I made time to draw a gratitude journal page. Nothing too noteworthy just a few things that made me smile today.

Today is the end of August already. Where does time go? It seems like the days just fly by taking the months with them. At least once a day I have to remind myself what day of the week it is. I can't decide if that's just being old or a symptom of retirement.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope you're having a wonderful day and whole new year. Love the shot of the birds with their heads in the feeder. I'm sure they were happy to be dining in your backyard again.