Friday, August 9, 2024

Not A Word

I took the day off from writing today. The only writing work I did was looking at the two critiques I need to have ready for next Monday's Zoom. It was kind of a relief. I'll think about what to write and how to get back into the story instead of trying to ram myself into it. Maybe I'm trying too hard.

This morning early a female Goldfinch stopped at the finch feeder for a few pecks at the seed and I was lucky enough to catch her.

Up on the retaining wall the sedum is starting to bloom. It takes a long time for the flower heads to open and reveal the colors. One clump is pink and the other one is bronze. Both are pretty and popular with the bees.

I caught a squirrel hanging from the suet pellets feeder having a bit of a snack. I love seeing them hanging upside down, perfectly happy and nibbling away. It seems to me like it'd be hard to swallow in that position but they appear to manage just fine.

Instead of pulling out one of the 20 Ways... books, I dug out Drawing Cute and tried my hand at the next two figures. Lasagna and spaghetti. The lasagna looks like a particularly disgusting chunk of red velvet cake, I think, but I like the way the spaghetti turned out. I wish I'd drawn them bigger to take up more of the page. They're kind of small and wimpy looking.

At Friday Night Knitting I finished the Zauber Crazy Sock leg and after a few false starts managed to knit the heel flap. In fact I was on such a roll once I got going I knitted three extra rows and ended up having to unknit back to where I was supposed to be. What a pain.

Man, my eyes are tired tonight. Guess I've been glaring at the computer screen too much lately. I did fold a basket of clean laundry and one of clean towels so I wasn't sitting here all day. Not all day. I took a walk and visited with the 2 year old next door and her mother too. Watered the tomato, the basil, and the marigolds. I think I'll see what fertilizer I have in the garage. Maybe I can mix up a tonic for my pitiful tomato plant.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

A day off is a good thing. That goldfinch looks like a baby to me. Cute little thing.