Thursday, August 29, 2024

Mm, Delicious!

This afternoon I went to the Military Avenue Neighborhood Farmers Market and brought home a few things. I got some really tall green onions, a beautiful bell pepper, a 7-layer bar, and three absolutely gorgeous tomatoes. I got compliments on my basket too. I love that basket. I carried it home from Jamaica on my lap in 1986 filled with seashells and broken pieces of coral. Wow, that was a long time ago!

I used one of the tomatoes to build my BLTs for supper. I make two open-face sandwiches instead of one closed sandwich. More tomato, more lettuce, more bacon, same amount of bread! So good!

For drawing inspiration I flipped through Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers and found this rose (maybe) and orchid (probably). They were less difficult to copy than I thought they'd be.

Tonight I got to tuck in the small people so I took my knitting and finished the Red Preemie Hat except for drawing the yarn through the remaining stitches and weaving in the ends. I didn't have the tools to perform those actions with me. I can't believe I was without a scissors and tapestry needle but there you have it. I'll have to finish up tomorrow.

I spent some time working on the manuscript this afternoon and this morning I finalized my September Monthly Progress email and got that scheduled. I have to remember to do the one for October 1 before I leave for The Clearing on September 28. Only four weeks from Saturday! Hooray! I can't wait.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Your market basket is definitely worthy of compliments. Sturdy too!! Thirty-eight years and still holding beautiful stuff from seashells to tomatoes.