Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Ten Days Later

I picked all of the tomatoes that had begun to change color over a week ago and this one that had spots and divots on it had ripened enough that I decided to eat it on my BLT tonight for supper. (This is how it looked ten days ago.) I didn't take a picture of it but it was nice and red so I cut out the scabby parts, sliced it, and it tasted like a real tomato. I do believe that I'll be having another BLT for supper tomorrow night. It's a good thing I bought a second box of al fresco uncured chicken bacon when I was at the store on Monday because I'm really plowing through the stuff. I am completely enamored with the L'Oven Fresh Keto Friendly bread I got at ALDI that lets me have two slices for one point. I'm having toast! I haven't had toast in months, no, years. It's luxurious.

Another Downy Woodpecker (or the same one I can't tell them apart) landed on the empty side of the suet cakes feeder this morning. It took him a while but he figured out that there was suet cake on the other side of the feeder so he sidestepped over there to have some.

Most of what I did this morning was print off the manuscript I've been working on, all 159 pages of it. It occurred to me that I have an easier time of editing on paper than on the screen and I can print off new scenes and slot them in or cut and tape them together. And I looked through these two Anguilla guidebooks that I've had on the shelf and they both make restaurant recommendations and other activity recommendations so I don't have to make up quite as much for Rose's guests to do.

Last night before bed I cast on a preemie hat in this scrumptious red yarn I found when I was digging around in the knitting bags that are piled next to the desk in the living room. So I picked it up after supper and after my shower and got this far. Preemie hats are small so they provide a certain amount of instant gratification. I've said it before, I'm a slow knitter so something small like this makes me feel accomplished.


Also in the morning, before I even changed out of my pjs, I drew a gratitude journal page for yesterday. I didn't do one for today--yet--so you get to see what I was grateful for yesterday. Hey, it's the only drawing I did today so I'm putting it on here.

I spent a lot of the day trying to talk myself out of going out to mow this afternoon because although it was only 68 degrees we had 81% humidity. Yuk. I ran a couple errands, got lawnmower gas and gassed up the car, went down to Lion's Mouth Bookstore to pick up my books that they cleared off their shelves after having them for over a year. (They sold one and returned two.) I'm coming to understand why bookstores won't take my books since I publish them on Amazon. That website is their direct competition, taking business away from them every day, so I sympathize. I'm just grateful for the ones that will take them and sell them. I gave in around 3:30pm and went out to mow. I felt like I didn't have a lot of energy which always makes me nervous but I finished the job and treated myself for doing it with a bottle of Gatorade Zero and that yummy BLT. There might have been chocolate ice cream after the sandwich.

When I went out to go to the gas station my neighbor and her 2-year-old were out in their front yard so I went over to say hi. The little one wanted to play in her sandbox "castle" so I went over to help her uncover the sand only to discover a dead rabbit on the other side of the sandbox. I let the mom know and got some plastic bags to dispose of the carcass so that little E didn't see the dead bunny. We told her that there was a "mess" over there and she had to stay away until Miss Barbara got the mess cleaned up. Whew. To be honest I don't think that the mom would have cleaned it up, she'd have hurried the little one into the house and waited until her husband came home. Barbara to the rescue!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You are the good neighbor to dispose of the dead bunny. I'm sure the little girl"s mommy was grateful.