Sunday, August 4, 2024

Attempt #2

I decided to take another stab at the Ink & Wash Florals Hibiscus today. In some ways today's effort is better but overall I think it's worse. I'm just not good at the wash part of Ink & Wash. I try to follow the directions, look at the pictures, and fail. And the ink part eludes me sometimes too. This was the last single flower. The rest are multiple flowers or multiple varieties of flowers. I am not looking forward to that. Maybe I'll take a little break.

A male Goldfinch landed on the finch feeder while I was painting and I managed to snap a picture before he flew away. Just barely. He started leaning away from the feeder as I was readying the camera and I thought he was going to fly but he leaned back and took another couple pecks at the seed so I got the shot.

Most of the time today I spent writing. I've started turning sections of the 3rd person manuscript red or green or purple, copying them onto a blank page, and working to insert Rose into them or send someone over to gossip about something. It's kind of working, thank heavens. When I get it converted to 1st person I turn it back to black and find a place to insert it into the manuscript. It's a little progress.

After supper I drew a gratitude journal page. I thought about going out and mowing but looked at the weather and we still have humidity in the 70% range. Ugh. It's supposed to be in the mid-70s on Tuesday so that's when I'll mow. It's been so humid this summer, so unusual. 

And I had to go out and tie up another part of the tomato plant. The whole plant is spindly and sad looking but it has six tomatoes on it so I'm trying to keep it alive so they ripen. We'll see how that goes.

I just realized that I forgot to go out and walk tonight. Dang it.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Somehow I thought when an author wrote a book, they just sat down and wrote it -- beginning to end. But it sounds like work!! Glad you're sticking with it.