Thursday, August 15, 2024

Not My Best Day

I thought that yesterday was a melancholy day but today was worse. Maybe because it rained most of the day. Maybe because I spent most of it trying to figure out how to get my audiobooks listed on Chirp so that I could make BookBub ads for them. That was sooooo frustrating. Every time I tried to "Learn more" I got sent to a site that just sat there with a blank screen. When I tried the site without Chirp on the end of the address it said that they were now a part of Shopify or maybe Spotify. Either way I didn't know what to do next. So I contacted them and asked how to get my books listed. Now I wait for a response. 

I did set up an ad for one of my eBooks on BookBub which is a site that sells eBooks exclusively so maybe I'll get some sales from that. I just did one book as an experiment. The ad starts on Sunday and runs for a week. I want someone to lead me through all this confusing ad stuff. I read about Facebook ads and Instagram ads but I don't know how to set one up and when it asks if I want to boost a FB post it mentions $70. That seems like a lot of money for an ad. Is that a one-time ad or is it $70 every time it shows up on FB? How do I find out this stuff?

Then I got an email about a new program made especially for novel writing that sounds intriguing but what if I can't learn it. What if it's too confusing or loses my manuscript? I'm still thinking about it.

Once I reached maximum frustration over the ads I shifted to the manuscript and got exactly nowhere. Not my day.

I got a text this morning from DD. She wondered if I knew where the picture of DS's first day of kindergarten was and could I find it and send it to her. See, she was 3 years old and insisted that I set her hair in rollers the night before and she got all dressed up convinced that she would get to go to school too but had a real mad on when I told her that she had to stay home. There was only one place I thought it might be and I went there and found it. I found it! Anyway, here it is. One of my all-time favorite pictures of my children. DS chose his clothes for the day--a shorts and shirt he got at a rummage sale, really long tube socks, and new shoes. And it was evidently before backpacks became ubiquitous because he's got his school supplies in a dufflebag.

The only other thing I have to show you today is my drawing of a burrito and a taco out of Drawing Cute. I like 'em. The drawings and the foods.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Oh, the frustration of trying to deal with stuff on the internet. I feel your pain because I've been there many times. I love that picture of your kids and the fact that you could find it. Too cute!