Friday, August 16, 2024

Just Sparrows

Sparrows were the only birds around today and they were all over the suet cakes, what there's left of them. This trio were up on the cakes and flew down to the patio with beaks full of suet then gobbled it up. It kind of sticks to their beaks so they have to wipe it off on the concrete and then peck up the bits.

Here's another Sparrow this time happily eating away on the suet cakes. The cakes look disgusting--squares of fat with cracked corn suspended in it. Yuk. But the birds love it.

This afternoon I whipped up a batch of Egg Drop Soup. I bought scallions and baby bok choy at the grocery the other day so I had to make it before they got all droopy. It smells so good, I can't wait to have a bowl of it for supper tomorrow night. I made it a day early because everyone knows that soup is better the second day.

This is the last page of my current sketchbook and these are the last two things with wings in 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly. The top one's supposed to be a Cardinal, stylized but I think it kinda looks like one. And the other one's a Turkey which looks like a Turkey I think. I'm sure there's another sketchbook in the closet so I don't have to miss a day of drawing.

At Friday Night Knitting tonight I added rounds to the One Skein Hat. I've just about run out of the second skein of the three. I already made one hat out of this yarn using the same pattern and used about a skein and a third so I'm fairly confident that there won't be enough yarn left to make the same size hat. Maybe I can find a kid size hat pattern to make.


I gave The Seaview a new cover today. I liked the original one but heard from a couple people that it looked more like a guidebook than a novel so I changed it. This is the same female figure that's on Open For Business so they look like they go together. I'm thinking once the change is through review I'll order one with the new cover and make a Facebook ad with both books in The Seaview Series. I've sold four eBook copies of Open For Business today which makes me very happy.

I got a haircut this morning, came home and immediately took a shower. I hate when the little hair schnipples filter down under my shirt and make me all itchy. Then I spent some time looking into getting my audiobooks onto a different website to advertise them and maybe sell some. Well. Turns out that I signed an Exclusive Distribution contract with ACX so can only sell them on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes. I have to remember that they're available on iTunes for people who don't have Audible. I wonder if I can put ads on iTunes. I'll have to do some research. There's no Amazon Ads for audiobooks which kind of gives me a pain. I guess they figure that people will see the audiobook option when they go to my sales pages but I want audiobook people to find them. I did some research on how to make a Facebook ad and will look at what I found again. There's a tutorial that I can follow and I'm not locked in to spending $70 for a week's worth of ads.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Good idea to link your first two Seaview books together. The three little sparrows look cute there on the ground.