Saturday, August 17, 2024

It's Changing Color

I looked out the patio door this morning when I got up to see how my pitiful tomato plant was faring. Imagine my surprise when I saw that the biggest tomato is changing color. It doesn't look great. It looks like something's been nibbling at it. There are insect marks on it and yet it has the determination to stay alive and ripen. I figure I can carve off the gnawed parts once it's red and eat it. If there's anything left.

LC, OJ, and I went to a LEGO event this morning. We could have spent hundreds of dollars. It never occurred to me that most of the sellers didn't take credit cards so luckily I set them small budgets. We came back here to look at our purchases and wait for lunchtime so we could go to MickeyD's. As soon as we arrived here it started to sprinkle and by the time we'd walked through the garage and into the house this is as hard as it was raining. The raindrops were hitting the water so hard that it looked like there were fountains in the birdbath. It didn't rain for long but it sure rained with enthusiasm.

Today's drawing is out of Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers. I think they might be roses. I like the way the colored one looks, kind of abstract.

Speaking of roses, Dad's rose is blooming again. One flower and it survived the hard rains. It's not as pretty in its wet state as it is when it's dry but I figure I'd better take its picture anyway.

A gratitude journal page finally got drawn today. I skipped it four days in a row but then I haven't felt very grateful lately. Kind of makes me a philistine, doesn't it. There's always something to feel grateful for, even it it'd just being alive for another day.

The purple mums are still blooming away too. I never did get around to trimming them back in July when they started making buds and blooming. I'm interested now to see how long they stick around. The other mums are showing tiny buds so maybe all of the mums will be blooming at once. Time will tell.

I took my own advice and pulled out an old notebook with a pencil stuck in it and opened it to a blank page. I sat staring at the blank page for a while and then I took the plunge. I wrote a couple pages worth and one paragraph of that made it into the manuscript. I'm thrilled.

Oh, and I figured out how come I've "sold" a whole bunch of Open For Business eBooks. I set up a 5-day free book promotion that started yesterday. I really should write this stuff down.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I hope that sad looking tomato makes it all the way to ripe. The fact that it's heading that way is a tribute to your tender loving care. You definitely deserve to eat that first tomato of the season. Sounds like a fun day with the kiddoes.