Sunday, August 11, 2024

We Were Kinda Busy

My assistant and I spent a lot of the morning trying to figure out how to make a Wii video game work. Turns out reading the directions really helps. Who knew? 

I also assembled the embossed cards I made and glued yesterday. In the middle of this group you can see the knitting card that OJ made for me. Well, he made the embossed part and I glued it onto a card. He had a blast with the embosser yesterday. I had to cut about 8 sheets of 9x12 watercolor paper for him to use because he kept having ideas for what to draw and then trying to pick a pattern folder that coordinated. Like I said, loads of fun. I also let him use my "good" markers which he got all over his hands and even though they're watercolor markers, they're not particularly washable. Oops. We washed his hands as well as we could but they were still stained. Oh well, it'll wear off.

I made another batch of rhubarb sauce this afternoon. It's so good with my yogurt and granola for breakfast. There'll be plenty of months when I can't go out and cut rhubarb so I'm going to keep making it until the rhubarb stops growing.

Today's drawings are out of Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers. I have absolutely no idea what flowers they're supposed to represent but I liked the way the colored ones looked so I picked that page.

In the afternoon I sat down here at the laptop and decided to try my hand at a totally new scene, not one from the old manuscript that I tried to re-engineer. It kind of worked. I got a page and a half before I ran out of steam but I left off at a place that I think I can jump off from next time I sit down to write. Fingers crossed.

I waited until about 7:30 to go out and walk. It was a sunny day, not too hot, but I wanted to wait until the sun was setting to avoid having to put on sunscreen. Lazy, I know, but there you have it. I met a couple neighbors at the corner and got to walk almost home with one of them. It made a world of difference to have someone to chat with when I walked.

I intended to go out and clean the birdbath this afternoon but I never made it out there. I'll shoot for tomorrow when I go out and water the tomato plant. I keep peering at it hoping to see improvement but it's too early for that, I'm sure. It won't be a miracle, more's the pity.

Tonight I watched the first episode of Somebody Feed Phil on Netflix. It's a foodie travelogue and he ate his way around Bangkok. Now I want to go there and eat all the things. I loved street food when we were in Penang, Malaysia in the early '80s and wish there was such a thing around here. I was jealous of all of the street and boat food he had. All of it looked wonderful, except the extra chili hot soup he had. I can tolerate hot-ish but not hot hot. There are seven seasons of the show. I have a long way to go.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

We went out to dinner at a new Japanese restaurant and ordering was a challenge. I didn't have any idea what some of those ingredients were but trusted Leo's choice and it turned out delicious. Just the kind of thing you described. Nice to find a new show you can enjoy.