Thursday, August 8, 2024

Way More Than A Snack

You know I said I got egg rolls to serve to the knitters. Well, CS had to work late so she sent her husband to the Chinese restaurant and brought General Tso's Chicken and Barbecued Pork Fried Rice. OMG! It was soooooo good. We ate at the table like grownups with silverware and everything instead of on little appetizer plates.

I was surprised to see one of Dad's roses blooming. All of the rest of them are long finished but this one little rose is just blooming away.

The marigolds in the front planters are enjoying the weather and the rain too. I'm not so good about going out and watering them but they seem to be doing all right. Maybe I'll give them a drink tomorrow.

My poor tomato plant is so sad and straggly looking. I water it every day or every other day and I gave it fertilizer last week hoping that it'd perk up but the flowers on top are drying up and dying. I'm not sure what else I can do to help it stay alive and grow. A lot of the leaves in the picture belong to the bleeding hearts plant behind the tomato.

The orange day lilies are still blooming. They're so tall that it's hard for me to take their picture. There's no way I can get a shot of just one flower so I have to take the whole line of them.

I drew a few figures out of 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish this afternoon. The mermaid looks a bit misshapen but I like the fisherman in his boat.

I went down to Zambaldi to visit with DS this morning and to get beer for knitting tonight. He was brewing beer and getting the tank ready so he could pump the new beer across the room into the fermenter.

On the way home I was starting to cross the Mason St. bridge and saw traffic piling up. I looked ahead to see that the drawbridge was up. No boat sailed through but maybe they were just practicing raising and lowering it.

And that's it for today.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That's quite a feast at your table. No wonder you ate like grown-ups! Love the last rose of summer (maybe). But I don't hold out much hope for your tomato plant. You did give it your all.