Saturday, August 3, 2024

Tiny & Furry

For the last couple days I've been trying to take a picture of the tiny baby bunny that darts around the birdseed cans on the patio but it's too fast for me. I'm calling it Flash. I broke down and went into my photo library and found this one of another baby bunny but about the same size.

Then there's this chipmunk. It also darts around on the patio peering around the birdseed cans and leaping up onto the patio chairs to look around. It's small and always looks terrified to be out from under cover. I wonder if hawks eat chipmunks.

Today's project from Ink & Wash Florals went okay. I made the stamen too long or maybe I mispositioned the petals but it's okay. Sometimes I think I'm getting worse instead of better. I seem to do better on the more precise ones rather than the looser ones.

I made time to draw a gratitude journal page after supper. I found fresh blueberries at a farm stand yesterday and had some for breakfast. Yum!

I had a text from my bank when I got up this morning. There were two charges on my Barbara Writes debit card that they didn't recognize. One they paid, one they rejected. Did I recognize the charges? One I did and the other one I didn't so I called the fraud squad at the bank to get my debit card cancelled and a new card ordered. Then I learned in an email that Amazon had suspended all of my ad campaigns. Why? Turned out the charge I didn't recognize was the monthly Amazon Ads bill, higher than usual, but this was the first time using that account's card so the bank rejected it. I had to shift back to my personal card to get the ads back running. That sure started my day off with a bang!

I've been wracking my brain trying to think of something fun to serve to the knitters on Thursday night. This afternoon I had a brainstorm. Hmong egg rolls! There's a large Laotian Hmong population in Green Bay and they make amazing egg rolls. I went downtown to the Hmong grocery only to discover that there's a little restaurant attached to it that sells just what I wanted. Now I have them in the freezer and will bake them back to life on Thursday. I've got to get some sweet & sour sauce and fortune cookies to go with them but I'm set. I just hope that the other knitters like Asian food.

Worked more on my manuscript this afternoon and evening until time to go for a walk around 8 o'clock. I'm glad I got smart enough to go out to walk just before sundown when it's cooled off considerably and the sun isn't blazing away like it has been the last week or so. I seem to be taking baby steps in my writing but as long as I'm progressing a little I'm happy. Soon I'll have new ideas, I'm sure of it. And if I don't, I'll keep complaining about it. You can be sure of that.

I'm re-listening to The Thursday Murder Club books. They're so good. I probably shouldn't listen to them because they're so good that they make my writing feel inadequate, but there's an author interview after each one and I'm really getting a lot out of them. He's the author that uses both 1st and 3rd person POVs that I'm trying to emulate with little to no success. He said something interesting today. He said that the 1st person character is the voice of the narrative in the rest of the story. Hm. That's worth thinking about. Oh, and that's the first book he's ever written. Can you believe it?


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'm re-reading "The Thursday Murder Club" books just like you're listening to them. They're just as good the second time around. Nice that you got some tips from the author. Rain all day today from Tropical Storm Debby. We're hunkering down and watching the Olympics.