Monday, August 5, 2024

So I Didn't Paint Today

And I didn't draw either. Or draw a gratitude journal page. I just didn't feel like it. I submitted my pages for next Monday's Zoom with cda and LL, and then worked more on the next manuscript. I'm feeling a little better about how the writing is going and I'm hoping to write something new in the next day or so. Baby steps.

I was quick enough to catch this pair of Goldfinches on the feeder this morning. He showed up first and then she fluttered over, and they moved to different perches so I could take their picture.

As soon as I'd snapped the shutter this Chickadee flew over and ousted the female Goldfinch. Both Goldfinches flew away and the Chickadee took its time finding seeds. 

Then a pair of Cardinals landed on the ground but only the male stayed long enough for a picture. She flew up and landed on the fence, way too far away for a picture even though I like the female's colors too even if she isn't red.

After supper I couldn't walk because it started raining just after lunch and kept drizzling and then raining all afternoon and evening so I hauled out this pretty yarn and cast on a hat. I'm afraid I'll finish the sock leg on Thursday night when I'm hosting some knitters and then I'll have to try knitting the heel flap, turning the heel, and picking up the gusset stitches, all operations that require thinking. The hat doesn't require more than knit 1, purl 1 for the next 4 rounds and then it's knit knit knit all around for the next 30 rounds. Easy peasy.

Today was the St. Agnes Class of '65 lunch at a sports bar. They had the Olympics on the TVs and we watched the women's speed climbing. They were amazing! They'd go from the ground to the top in about 6 seconds. Incredible. I guess the winning man climbed the wall in just over 5 seconds. Wow. 

I had a cheeseburger and tots, my standard lunch out and it was good. The burger was so juicy that I had to eat half of it with a fork and knife because it wouldn't stay stacked. The best thing was I sold two copies of Open For Business, one that DS had ordered on Saturday a week ago at the reunion and the other one to ES who's been waiting for a copy.


And it just started raining again. Whoopie. I'm hoping that it'll be dry enough tomorrow lunchtime so that I can mow. It's cooled off considerably so I won't be baking myself in the midday sun.

Today my beloved would have been 85 years old. I miss him something fierce some days but mostly I can remember him with a smile. Happy birthday, Durwood.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Nice pictures of your feathered friends. A bluejay flew through our backyard the other day. Love those bright colors. We weathered Tropical Storm Debby but it's still raining off and on today. Life in the tropics!!