Monday, August 12, 2024

Not The Intended Diner

I watched a squirrel leap from the birdbath to the top of the suet cakes feeder. Then I thought it'd jump to the crook with the (empty) suet pellets feeder on it. Instead it jumped over to the Oriole feeder and chowed down on the jelly. On the jelly! It even stood in the jelly and when it pulled it's paw out a bunch of jelly stuck to it and it had to shake it off. No Orioles have been by for a long time and even the House Finches have stopped having jelly so I guess it's okay if the squirrel eats it.

This morning before I went out and cleaned the swampy birdbath a Catbird perched on the rim and dipped in for a few drinks of that disgusting water. Birds don't seem to be too choosy but I went out soon afterwards and scrubbed and washed out the ick and refilled it with nice clean water.

In the afternoon a whole flock of juvenile Starlings descended on the feeders and the backyard. I haven't filled the feeders for a few days so the only feeder they could eat from was the suet cakes but they evidently found something interesting in the lawn. You can see how many of them there were. One of them managed to clunk into the patio door but didn't knock itself out. Soon after I snapped this picture they all flew away at once.

I went back to 20 Ways to Draw a Tree today and drew six figures. There's something really wrong with the bird. I made the wing too close to the head so it looks deformed. Sorry birdie.

This evening after my walk I pulled out the One Skein Hat and knitted a few rounds on it. I finished the brim a few nights ago and started on the body of the hat. I'm a slow knitter so it takes me a little while to make progress but I eventually manage. CS stopped by and dropped off a bag of hats for KW to take along to Mayo when she goes tomorrow. I realized that I had a bag full of hats too so I dug them out and took 2 bags of knitted and crocheted hats to her for donation. That makes us feel good.

Today's gratitude journal page was pretty easy to fill out. I had a Zoom with LL this morning and got some good feedback on my manuscript. I hope she feels the same about my comments on hers.

Late this afternoon I sat down and worked some more on the scene I started yesterday. I added some guests by name and gave Rose a problem that needed solving. I'm still trying to figure out how to convey some of the information that is secret but LL gave me some ideas to mull over. Feels like progress.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That's quite an acrobatic squirrel. I'm glad you captured him hanging there so precarioushly. And with all those birds, it was like a circus in your backyard!