Thursday, February 15, 2024


I opened the shades and drapes this morning and, ta-da!, there was the promised snow. It was a lot less than I'd anticipated but it looked like it started as rain or freezing rain or sleet and then transitioned into snow. I did not attempt to shovel it. The sun was out so I sprinkled ice-melt salt on the top half of the driveway and let the sunshine do the work. 

When I opened the patio door drapes here's what I saw. Hundreds of tiny, perfect bird footprints in the snow/ice on the patio. I was very impressed that they showed up when I took a picture. They're gone now, melted through the day even though the sun didn't shine on them.

Mark making for Day 17 was to make a collage with arches. *sigh* I made it but it doesn't fill me with pride and joy like some other art does. I just looked at the rest of the class days on Creativebug and pretty soon we'll be using marks to draw representational art. Thank heavens. I was about ready to call it a day and find something else.

After supper when I couldn't find anything that caught my eye on TV (after Jeopardy!) I got out Drawing Cute and drew Soup & Sandwich. She made her jelly sandwich grape but I like strawberry better, plus it's red.

I got to do the school run again this afternoon and spent a little time overseeing snacks and homework. I get to do it often enough that I'm getting the routine down, plus they're big enough to be pretty self-sufficient.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Those bird footprints are amazing. There must have been a whole flock out there. I'm glad they are all so separate so you can almost count them. Nice picture.