Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Look at what I saw when I opened the shades and drapes this morning--SNOW! Yuk. I didn't know it was supposed to snow overnight. Happily it was all melted by lunchtime but I heard a weather guy say that we're supposed to get more snow later this week. Double yuk.

Mark making today was semi-interesting. It's mixed media, watercolor and colored pencils. I made my watercolor circles too dark so that the colored pencil doesn't show up as much as hers did on the video. I confess that I'm getting disenchanted with this class. I want to draw something that looks like something.

Today's gratitude journal includes seeing a big hawk up in one of the trees behind the house. It never got close enough to be identified, it was just a big dark blob in the tree branches, but I was glad to even get a glimpse of one.

It was overcast all day, gray and cloudy, but I happened to see sunshine on the living room wall late in the day so I looked out and saw that the sun was peeking through a narrow slit in the cloud cover. I'm happy to see the sun however it shows itself.

Then I decided to draw a Zentangle without a book. It's not too bad.

I spent a lot of the day reading and rereading the first couple of submissions for next week's Novel Writing online group. I think I might have figured out how to send a copy that has my comments on it. Maybe.

I just went into the kitchen to close the patio drapes and saw that random snowflakes are falling. *sigh* I don't want snow. I've been spoiled by the warm-ish and dry winter we've had.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I guess winter isn't done with you after all. At least you got a glimpse of sunshine. And I like your Zentangle better than the earlier ones.