Saturday, February 3, 2024

A Lazy Saturday

DD and I took our old sweet time doing things today. We both slept late, DD later than me, and had a leisurely breakfast. DS texted to invite us to their place for homemade pizza for supper so we didn't have to cook. We said yes, of course.

In the not-so-early bird department, this trio of Mourning Doves took over the platform feeder and managed to eat just about all the seed in the feeder by the time they were finished. I refilled it when I went out later in the day to fill the suet pellets feeder.

I did Day 5 of Mark Making before lunch. Weave and crosshatch. I'm kind of getting used it this repetitive marking on half-sheets of paper. It's thick paper called bristol and it's really stiff. It reminds me of poster board but stiffer. As I said yesterday, I'm glad I decided to use the short, fat colored pencils that make a thicker line and I'm glad that I'm choosing different colors for each mark.

We went to lunch at Kroll's over by the Packer stadium. I had a cheeseburger and shared DD's fried cheese curds. Then DD said she had hoped to go to Seroogy's candy so we drove over there after lunch where we each spent hardly any money. Not like at Christmas and Easter when I spend my allowance and then some.

When we got home I pulled out my gratitude journal basket and drew today's page. It wasn't until I was finished that I realized that out of the five things I'm thankful for today only one thing doesn't involve food. Oh well. Some days I'm just happy to stuff my face.

Then I went out and filled the suet pellet feeder. No birds jumped on it that I saw but I wanted the Red-bellied Woodpecker to have some pellets to peck on next time he stops by instead of having to crane around and try to get something from the little bit left in there.

My stomach still feels a little tender from yesterday's adventures but it's tolerating food just fine so I'm happy.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You did put your stomach to the test with that delicious lunch, fancy candy and then homemade pizza! Glad to see that healthy breakfast in your Gratitude Journal! Sounded like a very wonderful Saturday. I'm so very happy you're feeling better.