Friday, February 23, 2024

Not Warm Today

Nope, not warm today. Today it was cold (25 degrees) and windy (15 mph) and there were even tiny snowflakes flying around. Not enough snow to make anything like a snowball or snow drift but enough that it showed up on the frozen part of the birdbath this afternoon. Yesterday it was 55 degrees and it got progressively colder as the day wore on.  When I opened the drapes this morning the birdbath was all open water, no ice, and as the day wore on the ice shelf got bigger. By Sunday it's supposed to be in the 50s and on Tuesday in the 60s. *shakes head*

This squirrel found the peanuts the other day and has spent the last couple days systematically emptying the wreath and then scampering off to bury the peanuts. Except for this afternoon when it sat on the top of the wall and ate the peanut. It also discovered the cob corn and spent time on top of the crook that holds the feeders nibbling on kernels.

But then it (or one that looked like it) tried to figure out a way to get onto the finch feeder. It must smell good because there were other feeders it could have gotten to more easily but it kept trying to get over to the finch feeder. Never made it and eventually gave up.

I ordered a new writing book and it came today. It's called Save the Cat! Writes a Novel. I've had the book on Audible for a couple years and haven't been able to retain what I was hearing or visualize the points she made so I decided to get a paperback copy so I can read and listen at the same time. I have high hopes that this method will help me add stakes and conflict to my manuscript. *fingers crossed*

Mark Making today was drawing mushrooms. I enjoyed drawing them and I like the way they turned out. Finally.

After supper I drew a bit out of 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish. It's a sea turtle, a cormorant, King Neptune, and a mermaid. I like the way they all turned out today. Must be my lucky day.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I worked on the Cashmere Sophie scarf. I'm this close to finishing the fourth little ball of yarn and when I add the next one I get to start decreasing. That means it'll get very gradually narrower until it gets down to three or five stitches (I don't remember which) and I'll be done. Of course, by the time I'm done it'll be too warm to wear it until next winter but that's okay. It's pretty easy mindless knitting. It was getting too long to comfortably turn after every row so I rolled it up and pinned it right under the needle so it's easier to wrangle. My knitting friend MW makes a lot of scarves and shawls and that's what he does when things get too long.

I had a haircut appointment today but when I got to the salon one of the stylists told me that JS had been taken ill and had gone to the hospital. I texted her to tell her I hope that she's okay but haven't heard from her. She's probably a bit distracted, don't you think? I stopped at the grocery on the way home for watermelon and pineapple and got the last bowl of pineapple. Whew. I love having those bowls of fruit in the fridge so I can snack on them whenever I get the urge. I was thinking of my Grandpa Stephan when I picked out the watermelon. He always said that he'd give up watermelon and ice cream for Lent because in those days fruit was seasonal and you only got ice cream in the summer. Oh, and I got a text from one of my cousins that Aunt Ginny passed away Wednesday night. She always sent me a birthday card and a Christmas card. I'll miss those. She always remembered Aunt B because they worked at Mead Johnson at the same time when they were young and unmarried.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Crazy weather. It's like Mother Nature can't make up her mind. Is it Spring?? No, wait -- it's still Winter. Sorry to hear that Ginny passed away. Those days at Mead Johnson seem like a million years ago.