Sunday, February 11, 2024

I'm Still Enjoying It

I went to two groceries today back to back and I reveled in the strength of my legs and lungs, striding across the parking lots, standing straight and going up and down the aisles, walking and breathing at the same time. It's been a month since my trip to the ER and I'm still so grateful and enjoying the errands.

Just as I was leaving on my grocery run I spied this Mourning Dove perched on the edge of the birdbath. It wasn't drinking or bathing, just sitting there looking around. I didn't go out to refill the feeders until after I got home so there weren't any safflower seeds in the platform feeder for it to scarf down. Since the Mourning Doves have discovered that there are safflower seeds in that feeder they've done their best to make sure that the feeder gets emptied at a fast pace.

Today's Mark Making was a little more representational. Not a lot, but a little. It's waves as you can see. She filled her page up almost to the top but I like the way it looks only halfway up. She did suggest drawing clouds or birds or the sun in the sky over the waves but I didn't manage to get that accomplished.

So that I had some realistic things to draw I pulled out 20 Ways to Draw a Tree and drew a lollipop tree, a mushroom, a bird (with a too big wing), and a flower with a stem. I think I like the mushroom the best but the other things aren't bad.

Again I struggled to think of things to be grateful for. Am I turning into an ungrateful wretch? I don't think so, I just think that my life is a little blah right now. I'm not very inspired to write these days and that usually inspires and energizes me.

I knitted a few rows on the Cashmere Sophie scarf this evening but not enough to warrant a new picture. I'm beginning to think that this scarf is going to be longer than I anticipated because I'm not to the middle yet and it's almost as long as the first one I made. Oh well, I can wrap it around twice and stay extra warm.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Your illustrated Gratitude Journal is delightful. So much better than just a list of things. And I do know you're eternally grateful for feeling so healthy again. You would be the first item in my gratitude journal (if I kept one). Love you. XXX