Monday, February 19, 2024

More Art Supplies!

I got my critiques done this morning once I got dressed. I even figured out how to make my comments show up on the submissions after last time. Seems a copy of the pages with my comments gets saved in OneDrive and I can attach that to my email after the session. And it only took me six weeks to figure it out.


Sparrows and Mourning Doves were the only birds at the feeders today. You can tell how deep the fallen seed is by the edge of the patio by how deep the hole is that the back Mourning Dove is in. It's crazy. They peck away and the hole gets deeper and deeper. I'll have to find a little soil to fill it in when Spring comes, I guess. I think I have a bag of soil in the shed.

After lunch I went to Michaels where I spent my $5 voucher (three times over!) and a 25% off everything coupon and got myself some more markers (different colors), a tube of pink watercolor, and a package of shamrock cocktail napkins (because it'll be my turn to host the knitters in March).

When I got home (after a cruise through the grocery for bananas, grapes, and lunch foods), I booted up my iPad and tackled Mark Making Day 21. We drew leaves! That look like leaves! It was so refreshing to draw something that looked like something.

Then while I was art-ing, I drew today's gratitude page. Again it was a sunny day so that went on the page, along with drawing leaves, getting new markers, and visiting with my neighbors who were out on the driveway playing with their 2 year old because it was so nice, sunny, and fairly warm. The little one likes to sit on my front stoop but not when I can see her. She scooted around me when I stepped away from the step and climbed up to sit down. When I looked at her she climbed back down. Kids are funny.

After supper while watching Maine Cabin Masters and Antiques Roadshow I knitted on the Sockeye Salmon Hermione Sock. Now the leg is long enough that I'll start the heel flap next. I've been a little disappointed that the sock looked so flat because the picture shows a pattern of stitches. I laid the sock down and turned off the light behind myself and, lo and behold, the light from the lamp on the other end of the loveseat made shadows that showed the stitch pattern. I had to turn off the camera flash to get it to show on the picture. 

In a little quiet instance of sucking up, I ordered 3 novels (1 paperback & 2 Kindle) by the woman leading the Novel Writing group. I haven't decided if I'll tell her that I'm the one who bought them or not but I wanted to see what her writing looks like compared to mine. I read a couple chapters. It's too soon to tell.


One more thing, there was a pretty sunset tonight!

I have to remember to go vote tomorrow. It's a primary and I try to never miss an opportunity to cast my ballot. We're voting on district alderpeople so I'm voting on the lowest level of government that has a direct effect on my life. It's important. And I'd like to vote out the incumbent alderwoman in my district because she led the "stop the steal" rally in town in 2020. That isn't my only reason but it's a big one. Sheesh.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You are a good citizen -- getting out there to vote. And your reason for voting that alderman out is more than a good one. Cannot understand those people who believe the election was stolen.