Thursday, February 8, 2024

54 Degrees

That was the high temperature today. And it drizzled in the afternoon. Right now it's 8:45pm and it's still 48 degrees out there. Crazy. I took a picture of a Sparrow taking a bath this morning and you can see all the snow behind the birdbath.

Now look at the snow behind the birdbath in the late afternoon. Almost all gone. The downhill skiers in my family are not happy this winter. It's barely into February and there's no snow and I'm sure that they can't make snow on the ski hill. I'm fine with it because the roads are clear and there's no snow to shovel.

The bunnies have taken care of the crocus and tulip sprouts that sprang up in front. The daffodils are still there. They must not taste good.

Mark Making today on Day 10 was Shapes and Patterns in Wet Media. That meant watercolor and a flat brush. I'm happy with the red paper, not so much the blue and green one. It's made me want to haul out the watercolors and have a go at a painting, though.

I pulled out the Drawing Cute book for the first time in months and drew bok choy and broccoli. I'd forgotten how much fun those little figures are to draw and color. And they're so cheerful!

I spent the greater part of the afternoon here at the laptop going through the comments on my whole The Seaview2: Open for Business manuscript that I sent to the moderator of the Novel Writing online critique group and came to the conclusion that I need to go back to the all-1st-person POV manuscript. She had a lot of complaint-type comments about the shifting of POV and I have to admit she has a point. I'll be sorry to lose the 3rd person parts of the manuscript, which I really like, but 1st person is smoother. *sigh*

The other day OJ asked me if I could sew up a seam on the bootie of his squishy green stuffie. This is the second seam that started to come apart. I can't decide if it's poorly made or if he's especially hard on this one. I suspect that the softness of the fuzzy fabric and the squishiness are contributing factors. Luckily I have thread that matches so I can easily make the needed repairs.

After supper I watched Jeopardy! and then couldn't find much else to watch so I turned to the Discovery Family channel's Beach House for background noise and knitted on the Cashmere Sophie. I changed to the third color of yarn the other night and things are moving along. And I probably should have tuned in to a music channel or the Netflix fireplace hour as more entertaining options.

For all that it was warm today it sure was dreary. The sun peeked out a couple times in midday but soon enough the clouds came back and then the drizzle started. It didn't rain for long, just enough to dampen the pavements, but it was a depressing day for most of the day.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Too bad you couldn't have sunshine along with the high temperature. Seems wrong somehow. I love the OJ still has a his stuffy toy. He's still a little boy in that way.