Wednesday, February 14, 2024


We're under a Winter Weather Advisory tonight until 8am tomorrow. The weather guy said a winter-y mix and then snow. Just great. All I can do is hope he's wrong. There are a couple errands I need to run tomorrow and I don't want to have to drive or walk on icy pavement. But I will if I have to. Maybe it'll start melting by the time I get organized and ready to go.

I saw a Red-bellied Woodpecker on the suet pellets when I was making my breakfast this morning but didn't get a picture. He was flying away when I laid my hand on the camera but I did manage to snap a picture of the male Downy Woodpecker on the suet cakes feeder a little later. If you look closely you can see that the grass was still frosty.

Today's Mark Making was to cut up a bunch of the things we'd done and make a grid collage. I was glad to have a big paper cutter to make short work of the measuring and cutting. Then I sort of planned where I put things and glued them down. It's okay.

I'm much happier with the chibi drawings that I did this afternoon. A raccoon and a ram, and I got to use some of my new "colors of the world" colored pencils that are just right to almost match the colors in the book.

For most of the afternoon I spent time doing another Novel Writing group critique and then started to reread the 1st person manuscript of The Seaview 2. I'm trying to find places where I can ramp up the conflict, up Rose's stakes, and increase the tension. I'm so confict-averse in my life that I find it very difficult to impose big problems on my characters but I'm trying.

Happy Valentine's Day!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Sounds like winter is determined to hang on up there. Be careful when you're out and about today.