Friday, February 2, 2024

An Okay Day

I had my stomach procedure today and it went well. Even better, when they tested my hemoglobin it was up to 10.2. That's way better than the 8.7 it was when I got out of the hospital three weeks ago. It's still considered low but it seems to be inching up. I'll take it. A friend stopped by the hospital and brought me this reddish-pink rose for courage. We'd been texting back and forth this morning and I said I was wearing red shoes for courage so he brought me a red rose. He's a nice man. One of my knitting friends.

The Red-bellied Woodpecker came back and he's really had to contort himself to be able to peck at the suet pellets. Now that that snow has melted back from the feeders I'll go out and refill it so he has an easier time of it.

The Cardinal was here too. For a minute there he let a House Finch stay on the feeder but then he lunged at it and drove it away. What a bully.

While the Cardinal was on the platform feeder, three Goldfinches landed on the tube feeder and had a little snack. They're kind of skittish so they didn't stay long, but I managed to snap this picture before they took off. A Nuthatch, a Downy Woodpecker, and a few Chickadees visited too but I wasn't able to take their pictures.

While waiting for time to head to the hospital I drew Day 4 of Mark Making. Loops and scallops. I couldn't make the loops as even as hers and had trouble making them tall enough to touch the row above. I did a little better on the scallops. I'm glad that I'm using my little fat colored pencils. Makes it go faster.

I knitted a bit on the Cashmere Sophie scarf tonight and am almost done with the next little ball of yarn. I'll have to check the stash picture of this yarn to see what color comes next. I liked the way they looked when they were all joined together so I'm trying to preserve that array.

It was wonderful to have both DS and DD at the hospital with me. I don't think I'd have been as calm and brave if it wasn't for them. I suspect that the nurse who told me that we could go to lunch after the procedure thought that I was having a regular endoscopy. I had to stick to clear liquids for 4 hours afterwards and eating made my stomach feel a little weird. We'll do lunch tomorrow.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Hallelujah!! Really good news that you're doing so much better with the hemoglobin count. And having this latest endoscopy behind you means you're well on the way to being your usual healthy, busy, happy, wonderful you!! So glad the kids were with you. And what a nice friend to bring you the red rose. There really are very nice people out there and he sounds like one of them. XXXXX