Saturday, June 11, 2016

Seeds Planted

Yeah, I know i said I wasn't going to go out today in the heat and humidity to plant those milkweed seeds but I woke up just after 7 o'clock so I threw on a tank and some shorts, grabbed my hat, and the seeds, plus a few gardening aids and went out and got the job done before it got too hot.  I was able to weed out the few remaining weeds in and around the lilies that we didn't get last Sunday, then I used a little cultivator to rake off the leaf litter to expose the soil, and sprinkled on the seeds.  I was going to wait until the area got shady to water them in but thought better of giving the birds the day to peck the seeds so I got out the hose and watered.  Plus I gave the blueberries their one fertilizing for the season while I was out there.

Then I did what good patients do, I wrapped my ankle in an Ace bandage, tucked an ice pack around it, and wrapped the whole thing in a towel while sitting on the couch with my feet up and read a book (an actual paper book too, I'll have you know) for at least an hour.  *pats self on back*  Good girl.

The poppies are still going great guns (and cottonwood's flying like a blizzard too) and the honeysuckle's just starting to bloom.  Maybe I should find some red salvia or something to plant around in pots to attract a few more hummingbirds to make Durwood happy.  I might do that--but not today.  I'm in for the day.  The temp is supposed to top 90 degrees today.  I'm staying inside.

I cast on the June Seamen's cowl (I'm doing stripes again) last night at Friday Night Knitting which was cut short by a storm that screamed over us with a lot of wind, rain, and lightning.  It was so nasty looking that Durwood called me to suggest I come home sooner rather than later and since he usually lets me judge things like that I thought it'd be a good idea to get home.  I just beat the rain and worst of the wind.  Whew.  Today the sky's all clear and blue as if black clouds were the furthest things from its mind.  

June 11--Bette S. Garber, Highway Images.  

Traffic piled up
bumper to bumper.
Heat mirage wavers
between lanes.
Late afternoon storm
clouds pile up
blotting out the blue.
Lightning shivers
over the hill,
soundless threat,
no rain.

I was kind of hoping for rain to lull me to sleep last night but by the time I went to bed it was all over.  Oh well, at least I didn't have to water the herbs and tomatoes today or fill up the birdbath and fountain.  Maybe I'll take the laptop downstairs to make sure all of my knitting books are in my Ravelry library.  It's cool down there--not that it's not cool up here with the a/c running, but I grew up without air conditioning so the basement still seems like the place to be when it's hot.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I can't remember when we lived in a house with a basement. The one in Syracuse I know because I'd hang laundry down there (no dryer) in the wintertime. It also had an attic. Cool house from a very long time ago.