Saturday, August 18, 2007

Day 18--Rain!

Can you believe it? It's raining! Real rain, not just a little spritz that barely dampens the brown and splintery grass. But real steady rain. I love it.

I wrote today. Off and on. No big revelations, nothing earth shattering, just plain old words marching across the screen, jumping onto the pile of words that came before, making the pile a little higher. Well, there was that one incident when the computer froze up and lost about 500 words I had just written, but other than that the day was uneventful. My 5 PM 1000-word reward strawberry popsicle was very tasty.

Line of the day:
“Hey, it is after nine o’clock,” Brady said. “Where did the day go?” Fay groaned. “My aching bones know where the day went. I do not know when I have worked so hard in one day. I am ready to go home, take the longest shower on record, and fall into bed.” She turned to look at Naomi. “Are you ready? Because I am fading fast.” Naomi looked at Brady who gave her the smallest flicker of a wink. “No, I am not ready just yet. You go on. I will help Brady clean up in here and get ready for tomorrow.” Fay shrugged and looked at the two of them. “Okay, if you all want to wear yourselves to a frazzle, go right ahead, I do not. I am out of here.” And she stood up, slung her purse over her shoulder, and left with a tired wave. In the silence that followed her leaving, the buzzing of one of the lights over their heads was very loud. Brady reached across the counter and put one of his hands on Naomi’s hand. “I am glad you stayed, Naomi.”

Daily total: 1,744 words
Running total: 33,562 words

How did everyone else do today?

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