Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Blog word count

I am not sure whether or not I'm done writing for the day, so I will not yet post a word count or other such things.

Instead, I have brought a question: How many words do you suppose our Blog consists of? I mean, over the past month, how many words have we collectively written on this thing? I would be very interested to find out, but at the very least, we have to wait a few days...

Congratulations, Barbara! I'm not too far behind you, only 1618 words, but the lesson here is that the tortoise beats the hare. You may not have had days of 5000, 4000, 3000 or so, (or many days like that) but you wrote every day and I did not. Granted, my largest stumble came over the last 4 or 5 days, but still. You got there first. Fortunately for me, everyone who gets there wins, but you still got there first despite my lead.

Jenny and Bob, I will say again that you must not give up. Brew up the coffee, throw caution to the wind and go. Copy and paste, stay up for days, whatever it takes. Go and look at the Novelling Affidavit that we all signed. Take out the Radiant Badge of the Triumphant Wordsmith, whatever will get you motivated.

Jenny, you did it once before. The highest day's total belongs to you. Lock yourself away or whatever it is that you need to do. By any means necessary, remember?

Bob, mostly the same deal. I know that you've been lagging since the beginning, but that does not mean that you can't still get there.

I know that both of you can do it. By any means necessary...


Engineer said...

A Tool to count all of the words in a blogspot blog huh... sounds like a challenge to me. The only hangup is which Written Text Segmentation algorithm to use...

Barbara said...

Is the previous comment in English?