Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Now That I've Moved the Glacier...

I just spent an hour chopping the snow/ice off the driveway to reveal the nice, wet, non-slippery concrete and am all sweaty. But I like doing manual things so I'm happy.

Whoa, Jennifer, I love your story! Can I come back as a baby giraffe too? Please? Is that a first draft? If it is, I'm humbled. You to go, girl.

Here's my last night's effort:
January 5--Meeting of Aeneas and Anne, the Sister of Dido, 15th Century French.
The cool green of spring
lay lightly on the land.
Blue hills receded in ranks
away to the horizon.
Soft upon the ear
birdsong carried news
of male and female meeting
to exchange tokens.
Formality governed their discourse
leaving undercurrents swirling
like larks on the warming air.
Shy but resolute they stood,
eyes downcast,
yet their hands yearned
to cross the gap between.
A flower passed
him to her,
a promise made and accepted,
all without words
to interrupt
the decorum of the day.

Enjoy your day!

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