Sunday, July 6, 2008

Lazy Sunday--I Hope

My plan for today is to not do stuff, because I have spent the last two days zipping through errands and chores--and I'm tired. I want a day off, a real day off. Although I know that I won't be able to resist doing a few things. But I'm going to try!

Nice drivel, Bob. Here's my latest:

July 5--Write about a time you cried--Tears flowed unchecked as Kay watched the small plane taxi away from the gate. Hot wind blew across the tarmac carrying the kerosene scent of aviation gas along with the clean smell of the sea right across the road. Kay watched as the yellowed white of the plane moved down the runway, the whine of the engines rising to an almost unbearable level as the front wheel lifted and it looked like it was trying to sit on its tail. The plane looked old and seemed poorly maintained, shabby, she thought. Even the ticket agent looked shopworn. What possessed Pat to fly with Windward Islands Air, an airline no one had ever heard of?

Not bad, but cut short because I was so sleepy.

Enjoy the sunny day!

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