Thursday, January 26, 2023

Trickle Down

I looked out the kitchen window this afternoon and saw that the snow on the gutter had drip drip dripped down the hanger and onto the wind chimes. I don't think I've ever seen it iced up like that. If you look closely you can see that the icicle goes all the way to where it's dripping off the low side of the wooden disk. Guess it wasn't windy enough to shake off the drips.

I went down to the library this afternoon to sort books. There were three tables of books that looked pre-sorted that I was able to put into boxes and onto the paperback shelves in my hour of sorting. There were plenty of books left to sort on other tables but I felt like I got a lot done in a short time today. (The boxes in the back hold books that have already been sorted.)

The next bird in Draw Like an Artist was a Nuthatch, one of my favorite birds to see at the feeders. This one turned out alright, even down to the foot. I guess I'm finally getting better at drawing bird feet.

I found a "daily practice" watercolor class on Creativebug to play with along with the other watercolor class I've been taking. The first day's assignment was to assemble the supplies and play with brushes in a watercolor sketchbook. My book's pages aren't as big as the pages in the teacher's sketchbook but it's what I have so I'm going with it.

In the Beginning Watercolor class we painted trees. I ran out of paper when I was painting the top left tree and ended up with leaves lapping over the tape so the tree looks like it had a haircut. Oh well. I like the foggy tree alongside it and the autumn tree isn't too bad. I'll take another stab at them, maybe tomorrow, maybe Saturday.

Yesterday's snow flurries ended up being a couple inches of wet snow so I fired up the snowblower and cleared both mine and the tenants' driveway. I'm glad that I did because it warmed up just enough to dry the pavement which is a good thing because the plow never came and it's supposed to get a lot colder over the weekend. Oh goodie. Now where'd I put my long johns?

The ham and Swiss sliders that I took to knitting tonight were a big hit. I've only had sliders like that one other time and these seemed particularly buttery. They didn't go to waste. CS had cheesy potato with ham soup and bean with ham soup all heated up for us to have with them. It was the perfect way to warm up the evening. DM brought little cakes--lemon raspberry, red velvet, and confetti. Yum. We didn't starve.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Too cold!! The picture of the frozen wind chime says it all.