Monday, January 9, 2023

Actual Sunshine

I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the shades this morning. Blue sky and sunshine! All day! Yeah, it was a little colder than on cloudy days but... sunshine! Hip hip hooray! I even held off putting on my sunglasses when I went out to lunch so that all of me could soak in the Vitamin D.

After lunch and a stop at ALDI for bananas (it was on the way home) I sat down to draw. These six shirts were on the next page of How to Draw People. Not very inspiring but I'm nothing if not a sheep so that's what I drew.

Then on the next page of Seuss-isms there was a very early, more realistic drawing of a boy fishing in a pond. I like that underwater there are no fish, only a tin can, an old tea kettle, and a boot. Not very Seuss-ian but amusing all the same.

I haven't been keeping up gratitude journal pages for months but every once in a while I do one and today I did one. I had to journal the sunshine, lunch out with friends, a Cardinal at the fallen seed, and getting bananas. Hey, I had to fill up the page so the bananas got included. They were fun to draw anyway.

Tonight I knitted a couple repeats on the Limited Edition Wingspan shawl. I've got six triangles finished and I'm slowly working on number seven. My enthusiasm for this project is flagging but I'm determined to see it through. Maybe I should cast on a toe cap or something small with thicker yarn for a little instant gratification but I'm afraid if I put down the shawl it'll be months before I pick it up again. What to do, what to do?

I got to spend a little time with the small people tonight. We read books and chatted. It was a good night.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Nice to see your Graditude Journal. I know sometimes it's hard to fill a page.